Official Brand Portal

This portal defines styles and best practices for the Lakefront at Little Elm brand, and provides easy access to brand elements.


It is not meant to be an exhaustive set of rules but rather a guide to keep the brand consistent and cohesive across channels.


There are both primary and seasonal logos for use. Click the button below to download all files, including original AIs, or click an individual logo to download its respective PNGs.

Logo featuring the text "The Lakefront Little Elm" with a stylized orange sun illustration.
Logo for "The Lakefront at Little Elm" with a stylized snowflake integrated into the text.
Text in pink reads "the lakefront" with "Little Elm" beneath, featuring a pink heart shape within the letters.
Text logo with "the lakefront LITTLE ELM" in light green. A green four-leaf clover replaces the "o" in "lakefront.
Logo of "The Lakefront at Little Elm" with a large yellow flower incorporated into the design.
Logo reading "the lakefront LITTLE ELM" with a red firework design integrated into the lettering.
Logo for "The Lakefront at Little Elm" featuring stylized text with an orange leaf design.
Logo with red text "the lakefront" featuring a green tree shape in place of the letter "f" and "Little Elm" in smaller red text below.

Roboto Slab Bold

Roboto Slab Regular

Roboto Regular
body copy


CMYK: 4, 26, 85, 0
RGB: 245,190,67
Pantone: 136 C
Hex: #f5be43

Deep Blue

CMYK: 100, 84, 39, 31
RGB: 20,51,89
Pantone: 540 C
Hex: #143359


CMYK: 30, 0, 9, 0
RGB: 173,223,231
Pantone: 635 C
Hex: #addfe7


CMYK: 1, 73, 82, 0
RGB: 240,106,63
Pantone: 158 C
Hex: #f06a3f


CMYK: 70, 64, 63, 64
RGB: 45,45,45
Pantone: 7540 C
Hex: #2d2d2d

Our photography style is bright and colorful. Images that have a unique perspective or show real people having fun in the area are favored in order to communicate the brand principles. Avoid using anything that seems too dark or one-dimensional.

Child in a pink life vest strikes a playful pose on a boat while others watch.
Child playing in the sand at the beach, wearing a blue swimsuit. A colorful ball and a yellow bucket are nearby. Other people and water are visible in the background.

Our tone of voice is casual, straightforward, and easy-to-understand. It’s not pompous — Lakefront is a place where everyone can come together. It sounds friendly, passionate, and paints the picture of the Lakefront state of mind. It seems relaxed, chatty, and sometimes a little humorous.

Emojis can be used to enhance this feeling in the mind of the reader. Some common ones to use are the sun, water wave, beach with umbrella, tropical drink, and taco.